100 Trees for 100 Years

Pembroke Horticultural Society: Celebrating our Centennial
Help us in our efforts to plant 100 trees in our Beautiful Little City and Neighbouring Communities.

pembroke waterfront horticulture garden image

You can help by: 1. Donating $100.00 – by e-transfer: gardenpembroke@gmail.com, or cheque made out to: Pembroke Horticultural Society or cash. Mail to: 1 Pembroke St. E., Pembroke, ON, K8A 3J5
2. Volunteering to plant and water. Contact: Ellen Vandersleen 613-504-1866 or email: g.e.vandersleen@gmail.com
Membership is always welcome:
Single person- $10.00. Family- $15.00, Corporate- $25.00.
Email: gardenpembroke@gmail.com and we will send a membership form to you.

The Pembroke Horticultural Society’s
Goal for our centennial celebration is to plant 100 trees for 100 Years
We are looking for 100 donors to donate $100.00 for 100 trees for 100 our years.

⦁ This is good for the environment
⦁ It can help to re-canopy our city
⦁ Trees helps regulate the temperature
⦁ Trees help purify the air
⦁ Trees help prevent flooding.
⦁ Trees help sustain wildlife.
⦁ Planting mostly Native Trees
⦁ Native trees are better because:
⦁ Provide food and shelter for local wildlife
⦁ Have a better chance of survival (naturally adapted)
⦁ Less need for fertilizer (because they have adapted to the soils types of the area)
⦁ Saves Water
⦁ Non-Invasive
⦁ We plant trees for future generations

The PHS is working on a booklet commemorating our centennial. We would like to print you name in this historical collection (unless you prefer to remain anonymous). You could donate in memory of a loved one.
We will also be looking for volunteers to help us plant the trees.
Let’s get involved to enhance where we live, work and play.

Planting the first tree of our 100 trees

first of one hundred tree plantings image